May 18, 2024

Media Decoder: Quick Reversal for Plan to Rename Canadian Broadcaster

OTTAWA — After several days of widespread public ridicule and political criticism, the government-owned Radio-Canada on Monday partly backed away from a plan to rename most of its television, radio and online service “ICI,” the French word for “here.”

The new name came from the broadcaster’s longstanding on-air identification — “Ici, Radio Canada” — and was an attempt to give the French-language TV and radio broadcaster a concise, common name to its various operations.

But the change, particularly the loss of the word “Canada” didn’t sit well with many Canadians — French and English speaking alike. Among them was James Moore, the cabinet minister responsible for the $1 billion given to Radio-Canada and its English language counterpart, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, each year.

“Radio-Canada has heard the message loud and clear that the public has been sending us over the past few days,” Hubert T. Lacroix, the president and chief executive of C.B.C./Radio-Canada, said in a statement. “We recognize people’s powerful connection to everything that Radio-Canada stands for.”

Mr. Lacroix said that the ICI rebranding plan, which cost the broadcaster $400,000 to develop, will be modified. The main television and radio networks as well as its primary Web site will now include Radio-Canada along with ICI in their names. The television network, for example, will become ICI Radio-Canada Télé. Secondary services will carry just the ICI prefix. For example, the broadcaster’s less popular radio network that airs mainly music will adopt the name ICI Musique.

At least some of the controversy about the new name will linger.

In March, Radio-Canada launched a lawsuit against the International Channel/Canal International, or ICI, which is licensed to open a new television station in Montreal, which will start broadcasting programs in 17 different languages later this year. Sam Norouzi, the owner of the new station, said that the government broadcaster is challenging the trademark rights to ICI that he obtained last year.

Mr. Norouzi said he was considering legal action of his own against Radio-Canada’s rebranding.

“I think it will create confusion,” he said. “I have a trademark and I would like to have it respected.”

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French Upset Over ‘More English’ Proposal

But supporters of the proposal, which won initial approval in the lower house of Parliament on Thursday, said the lack of English was a major factor in France’s declining competitiveness in the world. The left-wing newspaper Libération printed its cover page in English and urged the French in an editorial to “stop behaving as if they were the last representatives of a besieged Gallic village.”

“Teaching in English,” read a banner headline on the front page. “Let’s do it.”

The measure, part of a broader overhaul of the universities, was introduced in March by Geneviève Fioraso, France’s minister of higher education. It is intended simply to increase the number of students from abroad, in particular from emerging countries like India, Brazil and China, who often prefer to go to universities in English-speaking countries.

Mrs. Fioraso’s proposal is an effort to ease a 1994 law that required — with a few exceptions — the use of French in classrooms, from nursery schools to universities.

But the proposal has raised some eminent hackles.

In March, the Académie Française, an elite institution founded in 1635 that monitors and debates the subtleties of the French language, issued a news release emphasizing the “dangers” of an approach that encourages French “to marginalize itself.”

And that was the least of it. A linguist, Claude Hagège, called the measure a “drive toward self-destruction.” The philosopher Michel Serres said it was the product of “a colonized country whose language can no longer say everything.”

In a telephone interview on Tuesday, Mrs. Fioraso scoffed at the criticism.

“France gives again the impression of being an inward-looking country,” she said, before calling for greater international cooperation from universities.

Foreign students make up about 12 percent of students here, but France is losing its attractiveness in part because “Germany went past us by developing courses in English,” Mrs. Fioraso said.

English has been invading normal speech in France for many years, which is one reason for the angry reaction to the law.

Many words in English, like “weekend” and “cool,” are common in French. French is also losing ground in Brussels, where an expanded European Union of 27 nations does most of its business in English.

Nevertheless, some eminent scientists, including Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, who won the Nobel Prize in medicine, promoted the expansion of the use of English in universities in a column published in the newspaper Le Monde.

“The voices that are raised in the name of the defense of the French language seem to us totally out of touch with the current reality of universities, but also seriously counterproductive concerning the interests of France and French-speaking nations,” the scientists said.

On Tuesday, Mrs. Fioraso herself played down the importance of the controversy, describing it as “one of those debates that the French like, which are more about posturing than about substance.”

She insisted that the measure was not mandatory, and that it would affect only 1 percent of university courses.

“I’m not worried about it,” she said. “I tell myself that, after all, it is a lack of confidence in our culture.”

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