September 21, 2024

US raises tariffs on French and German wines & aircraft parts over ‘unfair’ Airbus subsidies

The increased tariff will apply to imported cognacs, brandies and “certain non-sparkling wines,” as well as “aircraft-related parts,” Reuters reported on Wednesday citing a statement from the Office of the US Trade Representative. 

The USTR did not specify the rate of the new tariff or when it would take effect, saying only that additional details will be “forthcoming.”

Also on US considering imposing billions in new tariffs on wide range of European goods

Washington has been accusing the EU of unfairly calculating tariffs against the US-made Boeing aircraft and equipment, under a September ruling by the World Trade Organization. 

“The EU needs to take some measure to compensate for this unfairness,” the USTR said on Wednesday.

Boeing and Airbus have been embroiled in dispute over subsidies that’s been going on for 16 years and shows no sign of resolution.

A tariff hike on aircraft parts produced in France, Germany, the UK and Spain was proposed back in July, along with various food imports. Additional duties of up to 100 percent were contemplated against a range of goods including chocolate, coffee and olives, and alcoholic beverages such as beer, gin and vodka. The plans were met by protests from trade associations.

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