March 11, 2025

Bucks Blog: The Risks of Transferring a Car Loan to a Credit Card

The credit card site recently reviewed current zero-balance credit card transfer offers and found that many cards let consumers transfer all sorts of debt — not just credit card debt — onto the new cards.

The site’s founder Odysseas Papadimitriou, writing about the findings for The Christian Science Monitor, said several major card issuers let you transfer car loans to their credit cards — in effect, letting you trade secured debt (the car is collateral for the loan) for unsecured debt. Some cards have introductory zero interest rate periods of up to 18 months. If you use such transfers strategically,  he says, you can lower the rate on your car loan, saving as much as $1,000 in interest charges.

If you have just one to two years left on your auto loan, he says, that means the credit card pays off your car loan, getting you the title to the car sooner than expected, and “ensuring that payment difficulties won’t result in your car being repossessed.”

The catch, of course, is that you actually have to pay off the loan before the zero interest period expires. Otherwise, you’ll end up paying double-digit interest on the balance, negating any advantage from transferring the loan.

There are all sorts of potential downsides to such a move, says John Ulzheimer, a credit expert who writes for several financial Web sites. “It’s very dangerous for a variety of reasons,” he said.

First, he said, your credit score may take a hit simply because you’ve applied for new credit. In addition, you’re trading installment debt for revolving debt, which also tends to have a negative impact on your credit score. Installment debt has much less of an effect on your credit score than revolving, or credit card debt, because its typically secured by something and is less risky for the lender. Revolving debt is riskiest for the lender, so it has more impact on your score.

“Unless you’re financially capable of writing a check at the end of one year, you shouldn’t do it,” he said. And if you’re capable of doing that, he said, why not just write a check to pay off the car loan yourself?

Another potential flaw in the plan, he said, is that most zero percent interest offers are made only to people with sterling credit. And if your credit is that strong, you likely aren’t in a bind that would require transferring debt onto another card.

In short, it sounds interesting, “but if you think through the impact, it’s not really a good idea,” he said.

Have you ever transferred a car loan or other type of loan to a credit card? How did it work out for you?

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Economic View: Long-Term Unemployment Carries Risks for U.S.

Yet without government intervention, we may well have high unemployment and social discord for years to come. How did this disaster happen?

Probably the most important reasons for the failure to rescue the unemployed are intellectual, rather than purely political. First, there is a lack of scientific proof that government spending — fiscal stimulus — will do much to remedy unemployment. Second, there is a lack of appreciation of the human impact and social consequences of high, long-term joblessness.

To see how divided economists are about the effects of fiscal stimulus, ask them to gauge the “multiplier” effect — the response of the broader economy to a dollar spent by the government. In September, the Journal of Economic Literature published several surveys of the literature on the subject; those surveys came up with so many different answers that it’s hard to show with certainty that stimulus even works. One of those surveys, by Jonathan Parker of Northwestern University, said that, in general, academic studies of multipliers “almost entirely ignore the state of the economy.” Most studies fail to give credible estimates of the effects of such stimulus in a period of abysmal confidence and near-zero interest rates.

We are in such a situation now — for the first time since the Great Depression. It may be ruinous to assume that the situation is hopeless and that we should thus do nothing for the unemployed. Richard Kahn, the man who invented the mathematical theory of the multiplier in a 1931 article, later said that it was a mistake to think of fiscal stimulus only in mechanistic terms. Government action, he suggested, affects public confidence in ways that his model did not fully capture. But economists have generally run with his mathematical model, or fundamental variations on it, and ignored his caveat.

We have to close the government deficit eventually, but that can be done with tax increases and solid programs to create jobs. It was within the supercommittee’s scope to devise a plan to accomplish this in a stimulative way. The contractionary effects of tax increases could have been offset by some expenditure increases that would stimulate the economy and help provide jobs. But that didn’t happen. I’ve written before that this kind of plan, termed a “balanced-budget stimulus,” ought to work.

FURTHERMORE, we have been ignoring the serious consequences of allowing long-term unemployment to continue.

Bad as it is for those without jobs and their immediate families, unemployment tears the fabric of our society. Duha T. Altindag of Auburn University and Naci H. Mocan of Louisiana State University used data collected by the World Values Survey on more than 130,000 people from 69 countries to learn how unemployment affects confidence in civil society and basic democratic institutions.

They looked at a survey question inquiring whether “having a strong leader who does not have to bother with Parliament or elections” is a good thing. In the United States, being jobless increases the propensity to agree by about 11 percentage points, to 38 percent from the sample mean of 27 percent, after controlling for other factors like income and education. They also found that, in countries where they had the appropriate data, people who have been unemployed for more than a year are even more likely to agree, if other factors are held constant.

Some of the social discord and mistrust of government in our country of late is surely connected to long-term unemployment. We need to accept that we are now in very unusual times, and that unusual steps are needed.

One approach is to raise taxes and use the proceeds to subsidize hiring of the unemployed. In the 2007 book “Rewarding Work,” Edmund S. Phelps, the Nobel laureate economist from Columbia University, had an interesting idea for spurring hiring. As he has updated that proposal, the government should provide a subsidy of $4.50 an hour for the lowest-paid workers, with declining amounts until they earn more than $15 an hour. Unlike the current “earned income tax credit,” his plan would not be biased toward families with dependent children, but would apply equally to all workers.

He estimates today that the cost of such a program would be about $150 billion a year, around 1 percent of gross domestic product. The program would be well worth the expense.

The American Jobs Act proposed by President Obama in September includes subsidies in the form of re-employment services, wage insurance, work-sharing benefits and self-employment assistance. Stephen A. Wandner of the Urban Institute and the W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research testified before the Senate Finance Committee this month and offered a number of other ideas that have been successful on an experimental basis. Among them are comprehensive job search assistance and re-employment bonuses.

The stakes are very high here, and they are not just economic. As anger rises in today’s economy, I’m reminded of Thomas Jefferson’s words about the danger of “angry passions” arising between the North and South over the question of extending slavery to the Missouri territory. In an 1820 letter, he wrote that “this momentous question, like a fire bell in the night, awakened and filled me with terror.” He went on to predict, from his observations of such rancor, the secession of the South that was to come 40 years later.

Our country is a much more stable and just society now than it was in 1820. Still, we should regard the current economic dispute as another fire bell in the night. It is important to recreate the sense of a just society, without anger — and an important step in that direction is to ensure that there are enough


Robert J. Shiller is a professor of economics and finance at Yale.

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