February 10, 2025

Site Insight: Can a Web Site Get Visitors to ‘Feel’ the Cotton?

My company, Abe’s Market, is an online marketplace for natural and organic goods that connects Americans who want to live a more healthful lifestyle with passionate business owners they may not otherwise find. We get hundreds of thousands of visitors every month, and our monthly sales growth has been in double digits. Based in part on that experience, the editors of You’re the Boss have asked me to be the host of regular conversations on the blog about what works and what doesn’t when selling online. We’re looking for small businesses that would like to have their sites evaluated by the blog’s readers. (If you are interested in volunteering your site, please see below.)

This first post is about American Giant, a start-up clothing manufacturer that makes all of its clothing in America and sells online only. The company was founded by Bayard Winthrop, who has a rich understanding of how clothing is made and sold. He believes the current clothing supply chain is broken, and he thinks his opportunity lies in bypassing retailers and distributors to sell directly to consumers through the Web. He introduced American Giant last February, and he considers the company an ode to the glory days of American-made, high-quality cotton clothing.

That sounds nice, of course, but here is the obstacle: Can Mr. Winthrop persuade people to buy sweatshirts they cannot touch or try on? Will people buy based on images and word of mouth alone?

American Giant is a new brand with none of the market recognition enjoyed by companies like Lands’ End, Polo or Gap. Mr. Winthrop, who aims to take on those billion-dollar clothing brands, thinks American Giant, which is based in San Francisco and manufactures all of its products in the United States, can not only survive but conquer. But clearly the Web site — especially its photography — will be very important to that effort.

When the site was introduced in February, it featured the photos below. While the photos were professional, the team at American Giant, which has raised $2 million in start-up financing from Donald Kendall, a former chairman of PepsiCo, had doubts about their impact. Some feared that the photos felt flat, were contrived and provided little sense of the brand’s story.

The Web team also questioned the decision to cut off the model’s head instead of showing his face and making a personal connection. This led to an interesting dynamic. Early on, the site’s conversion rate — the percentage of visitors who actually make a purchase — was lower than projected. But the company was extremely successful with its social media and word-of-mouth marketing. This led to increased traffic, to styles’ selling out much faster than expected and to better than anticipated revenue (in fact, the clothing is selling so well — thanks in part to some very positive reviews — that the company cannot fulfill orders before March). But American Giant recognized that it was missing an opportunity to convert a larger percentage of its visitors from browsers to buyers.

I am a big fan of management that is critical of its own decisions and willing to revisit them quickly. Even though American Giant had already spent considerable amounts of money on its photography, it decided to invest a significant sum, $35,000, to redo the shots.

Right and below are some shots it recently unveiled on the site. The new theme focuses on real world heroes, showing the American Giant line in action on everyday people. Mr. Winthrop explained that the new tagline — “Don’t Get Comfortable” — is intended to create “an intimate and provocative look at what hard work and dedication is: a pillar of the American Giant brand.”

The crucial choice was not to use professional models. Instead, the company tapped local people, including a pastry chef, a creative agency strategist, a sports bar owner, an amateur boxer and a music producer, in an attempt to make the campaign more realistic and attainable. The team feels that the background and texture add visual interest, the lighting is more natural and the close-up shots of the sweatshirts demonstrate the fit.

To help display the new photography, the American Giant Web team added a home page carousel and three capsule features below it. Take a look at the photos below and at the redesigned site and tell us what you think.

As you look at the site, here are some questions to consider:

  • Do you think the photography and the stories behind it make a difference?
  • Was the money spent on new photography worth the investment?
  • Should the company have focused more attention on, say, social media marketing?
  • What would the site have to do to convince you that its products really are superior?
  • Do the photos convey the company’s story in a compelling way that makes you want to buy the clothes?

Please share your comments below. In a follow-up column next week, we will tell you how American Giant has been doing since the redesign and what Mr. Winthrop thinks of your suggestions.

Would you like to have your business’s Web site or mobile app reviewed? This is an opportunity for companies looking for an honest (and free) appraisal of their online presence and marketing efforts.

To be considered, tell us about your experiences — why you started your site, what works, what doesn’t and why you would like to have the site reviewed — in an e-mail to youretheboss@abesmarket.com.

Richard Demb is co-founder of Abe’s Market, an online marketplace for natural products that is based in Chicago.

Article source: http://boss.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/01/23/can-a-web-site-get-visitors-to-feel-the-cotton/?partner=rss&emc=rss

Netflix’s Profit Rises Amid a Rush to On-Demand

“It took us four years to get to 3.3 million subscribers,” Reed Hastings, the company’s chief executive, said in an interview Monday evening. “Now we did it in one quarter.”

Mr. Hastings said the online streaming business “is just racing ahead.” But earlier in the day, in a letter to shareholders, the company cautioned that its torrid pace of growth might be tempered in the months ahead. It said it expected to add 1.2 million to 2 million subscribers in the next three months. Netflix shares declined about 5 percent in after-hours trading.

Although some analysts were disappointed by Netflix’s outlook for the second quarter, its results in the first quarter were generally above expectations. At the end of the first quarter, Netflix had 22.8 million subscribers in the United States, giving it as big a footprint as the biggest American cable operator, Comcast, which reported 22.8 million subscribers at the end of last year.

That subscriber milestone was the best proof to date that Netflix has responded more quickly and more effectively than any other media company to customers’ demands for video-on-demand. Yet the milestone is largely symbolic because Comcast and Netflix do not directly compete; Comcast is available only in certain parts of the country, and Netflix is largely supplemental to the services provided by cable and satellite operators.

Still, the comparisons made by analysts underscored just how fast Netflix has picked up customers. Two years ago, it had 10 million customers and was largely a DVD-by-mail service; today it is a force in video streaming.

Netflix said in a letter to shareholders that it had benefited from a “virtuous cycle” of “increased investment in streaming content, strong word of mouth and an expanding device ecosystem.” (The service is often connected to devices like video game consoles and Internet-ready television sets, which have rapidly proliferated and have driven Netflix’s subscriber growth.) It reported worldwide revenue of $719 million for the quarter, up 46 percent over the same period last year, and $60 million in net income, up 88 percent over the same period last year.

Netflix’s streaming service costs $7.99 a month. To keep customers paying for unlimited access to its library of films and TV shows, Netflix must maintain its own access to that content. Last month, it announced that it had bought the exclusive rights to a show, “House of Cards,” that Media Rights Capital is producing. This month it paid Lionsgate for the rights to stream archived seasons of the AMC series “Mad Men” and paid Twentieth Century Fox for the rights to the Fox series “Glee,” among others.

But at the same time, the pay cable channels Starz and Showtime are becoming more restrictive about Netflix’s access to their content. Netflix is trying to make the case that its streaming deals benefit all players because when users watch past seasons of shows, they are then more likely to watch current seasons shown by a cable provider or broadcaster. “We hope over time that HBO and Showtime will let us prove this proposition for them,” the company wrote in the shareholder letter.

Referring to its licensing of “House of Cards,” Netflix wrote that it would seek two or three “similar, but smaller deals” for exclusive content.

Mr. Hastings said having shows like “Glee” and, “House of Cards” would “continue to help us get more subscribers, which then helps us to afford to license more content.”

So far, Netflix is the only major player in the online-only video subscription business, but others are playing catch-up. Some cable and satellite operators are bragging about their own video streaming options: last week, for instance, when the Dish Network introduced HBO’s streaming service, HBO Go, it promoted movies that were “not offered by Netflix’s online service.” HBO Go requires an existing subscription to HBO through a cable or satellite operator, so Netflix does not consider it a direct competitor.

But Mr. Hastings acknowledged Monday that “there will be a number of substantial competitors” in the online streaming space in the future. One competitor, he said, could be the Dish Network, which bought the bankrupt Blockbuster in a bid valued at $228 million in cash this month. Analysts immediately suggested that a war between Netflix and Blockbuster could be brewing.

Netflix wrote to shareholders on Monday, “Our competitive strategy relative to other streaming services is simply to grow as fast as we can, so we can afford more content, more marketing, and more RD than our competitors.”

Article source: http://feeds.nytimes.com/click.phdo?i=ac57d46a2079c20cfa148e388ac9f272