March 25, 2025

Bucks Blog: A Call to Refinance Private Student Loans

The federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is urging the creation of a market for the refinancing of private student loans, though how that happens remains to be seen.

“If these borrowers could refinance, their debt would be much more manageable,” the bureau’s director, Richard Cordray, said in remarks prepared for a public hearing on student debt in Miami. ” Given today’s historically low interest rates, there is a tremendous opportunity for lenders to take advantage of an underserved market.”

The bureau isn’t making specific recommendations. Rather, it’s urging lenders and policy makers to take up the issue, taking into account information the bureau has solicited from the public and from industry groups.

Private student loans — those made by nongovernment lenders — usually have higher interest rates and lack consumer protections, like flexible repayment options, available with federal loans. At the end of 2011, there were more than $8 billion in defaulted private student loan balances.

According to data cited in a new report on “Student Loan Affordability” released this week by the bureau, the student debt burden is probably having ripple effects on other parts of the economy, like causing young people to delay buying cars and homes and to avoid starting businesses.

Some of the burden could be eased, the bureau said, if borrowers could lower their monthly payments by refinancing their private loans at current, low interest rates.
“Most borrowers aren’t looking to get off the hook,” Rohit Chopra, the bureau’s student loan ombudsman, said Wednesday. “They just need a payment plan that works.”

He made his remarks in a telephone briefing about the report, which is based in part on thousands of comments the bureau received from the public and industry about student loans. The bureau solicited the comments earlier this year; they are available online.

The bureau is tasked with regulating private student loans. Federal loans are overseen by the Department of Education.

Rates on education loans tend to be higher than those for say, homes, because they are unsecured; if a borrower defaults, there is no collateral to limit a lender’s losses. But Mr. Chopra noted that after students graduate, find jobs and begin to establish a repayment record, their risk of default declines — and so they should become eligible for lower rates.

But the report noted that in comments to the bureau, lenders and industry groups cited some obstacles to restructuring or refinancing private student loans.

One hurdle to a robust refinance market cited by lenders, according to the report, is the cost of marketing to new customers. Student loans are typically marketed through colleges, but once students graduate, it is more difficult to efficiently identify potential customers, leading to higher “customer acquisition” expenses.

Lenders may also have to follow tougher accounting rules when seeking to modify such loans, which may make them cautious about doing so, especially since many are still handling the fallout of the financial crisis, the report noted.

How is the inability to refinance your student loans affecting you financially?

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Bucks Blog: A Look at Repayment Options for Private Student Loans

Agence France-Press — Getty Images

2:45 p.m. Updated / To correct a statistic on households with student debt and to correct the date by which comments are due.

The federal government is looking into ways to help consumers burdened with private student loans — including potential ways to help them refinance their debt at lower interest rates.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau recently published a formal request for information from consumers, lenders and others involved in the student loan market, seeking “more detailed information on ways to encourage the development of more affordable loan repayment mechanisms for private student loan borrowers.”

Rohit Chopra, the agency’s student loan ombudsman, said in a recent call with reporters that the request is an “important first step” in the agency’s quest to make student-loan repayment more flexible and easier for borrowers.

The request follows a report last fall from Mr. Chopra about complaints the agency had received from borrowers of private student loans.

Student debt, Mr. Chopra reiterated, is no longer an exception but the norm: 40 percent of households headed by someone under 35 have student debt. Student debt tops $1 trillion, and some policy makers are concerned that it may affect the ability of young people to qualify for other loans, like those for cars and for buying first homes.

While the bulk of student debt is made up of federal student loans, more than $8 billion in private loans are in default, according to the agency’s research. Private loans are those made outside the federal student loan program. Most private loans are more expensive than federal loans, and lack certain borrower protections offered by federal loans, including income-based repayment plans for borrowers facing financial difficulty and options for borrowers in default to get back on track.

Some borrowers have expressed frustration that there are limited options for refinancing their student debt at currently low market rates, as borrowers can often do with home loans. Unlike a mortgage, however, which is secured by a home, a student loan is not secured by specific collateral — so interest rates tend to be higher.

But while student loans may never be available at rates as low as those available for mortgages, there are ways to measure relative risk with such loans that could still lower their cost, Mr. Chopra said. For instance, he said, while a loan made to a college freshman may be considered one level of risk requiring a certain interest rate, that risk level decreases after the student graduates, gets a job and demonstrates a steady repayment record — and that person may be then eligible for a lower rate.

Responses to the request for information will be accepted until April 8.

Do you think it makes sense to offer refinance options for student loans?

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