February 17, 2025

Frequent Flier: A Broken Laptop in Indonesia, and No Repair Shop in Sight

I’m kind of a control freak. That’s not good, especially when traveling for business, when everything that can go wrong often really does.

I was in Bali, Indonesia, and my trip was going very well until about the third day, when my laptop computer broke down. I needed it for work, and like everyone who has experienced a broken computer, I felt out of control and out of touch. That’s not a good feeling for me.

My first instincts were to just dump the computer, ship it home to Oregon for repair or buy a new computer somewhere in Indonesia. Each of those ideas had its own drawbacks, so I finally decided to try to get the thing fixed in Bali. At the time, Bali had a good electronic infrastructure for commerce, but not everyone was as plugged in as we are in the United States. I still figured there must be a few computer repair technicians available somewhere in Bali who could help me out.

The hotel front desk directed my driver to a computer dealer. We drove out of the hotel district, and cruised through neighborhoods crammed with shops for baskets, teak furniture and kites. When we passed some beautifully manicured rice fields, I really thought I had made a poor decision, since we were in rural Indonesia. We finally got to the computer store, and a woman there directed us to the computer repair part of the establishment, which was in a shed packed with pool tables. It looked to me like the most out-of-control high-tech service center anywhere in the world. It was like a computer graveyard, with parts strewn all over the place. To say I was a little concerned is an understatement.

No one seemed to speak English, but an older man finally pointed to a teenage boy who apparently could help me. The young man quickly said my computer wasn’t booting up, which didn’t give me much confidence, since I already knew that. But I asked him if he thought he could fix it. He smiled and took my laptop.

Instead of using that magic electronic tester that I saw computer repair people use at my shop back home, this young man began tapping on my computer’s plastic shell with his fingers. It reminded me of how I used to check the backs of my older patients for pneumonia. He then put his ear down on the computer’s surface, which made my blood pressure rise even more. I could not figure out what this young man was doing since he was doing absolutely nothing high tech. It was really more like he was performing a deep Balinese massage on my computer. I nearly lost my mind when he started to take it apart. Screws were all over the place, and he was jiggling wires and jamming connections together. I thought everything on my computer was lost.

But then he put the cover back, flipped the switch, and everything was fixed. Best of all, nothing was lost. I would have paid him anything, but he only asked for 20,000 rupiah, which is about $3.18 in American dollars. I gave him much more.

The computer worked like a charm for years after his repair. But even more important is that I learned that sometimes you simply can’t control everything. Sometimes you have to trust the most unlikely of people. It’s a good lesson to learn, especially when you are on the road.

By Gideon Bosker, as told to Joan Raymond. E-mail: joan.raymond@nytimes.com

Article source: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/23/business/global/out-of-the-country-and-feeling-out-of-touch.html?partner=rss&emc=rss

You’re the Boss: Improving Company Culture

TerraCycle invites graffiti artists to decorate its offices.Courtesy of TerraCycle. TerraCycle invites graffiti artists to decorate its offices.
Sustainable Profits

As I’ve built TerraCycle, one of my priorities has been maintaining our unusual company culture. While I don’t believe in overdoing it — we have no pool tables, yoga studios or climbing walls — I have found a few affordable yet surprisingly effective ways to build morale and have some fun.

1. LUNCH: About a year ago we adopted a lunch program whereby we order lunch from a nearby restaurant for participating employees, changing up the menu every day. We ask for a $4 contribution per person, but the company picks up the rest. We bought plates and installed a dishwasher. The effect on productivity has been amazing. Instead of various teams taking long one- or two-hour lunch breaks (where people have to drive to a local restaurant, wait to order and then eat) everyone grabs lunch, eats and typically is back at their desks within 20 minutes or so. Funny how spending about $6 per person (on top of the $4 employee contribution) can make a difference.

2. THE GONG: Last year we installed a massive gong in our offices in Trenton. People who  accomplish something awesome are encouraged to hit the gong as loudly as they can. Then they send out an e-mail to the entire company with the subject line “GONG HIT: Closed a major deal!” or “GONG HIT: New company logo available!” The effect is that whenever the gong tolls in the office or everyone receives a gong-hit e-mail (even from a distant office), positive energy is released. We all smile and feel great to be part of the team and send a congratulatory e-mail. While I prefer to reserve this kind of tool for positive events, there has long been a standing joke in the office that we should create a “Toilet Flush” for less-than-awesome news.

3. TRANSPARENCY: When I started TerraCycle more than eight years ago, I wasn’t the most transparent leader. I would share good news but hold back on bad – especially with less senior employees. While this made me feel more in control, it had the opposite effect on everyone else. So a few years ago we started doing something different: the leaders of every team and every office must submit a report to the entire company every Friday that details everything positive and negative that has happened in their areas in the past week. I then take some time on the weekend and reply with comments, copying the entire company. So everyone, from a customer service rep in our Brazilian office to a team leader sees every department’s report along with my comments. While this reporting structure requires an investment of time, it has created an extremely transparent corporate culture.

4. NERF GUNS: When you join TerraCycle, you are issued a Nerf gun and ammo by our C.N.O. (chief Nerf-gun officer). They are totally safe and essentially self-cleaning because everyone picks up the bullets to shoot them again. Most important, the games are intense but short. Once or twice a day our office erupts in a massive 50- to 75-person war. Everyone blows off some steam but within a few minutes, everyone is back to work analyzing financial data or designing products made from waste.

5. GRAFFITI: Art and color have always been an integral part of our office vibe. Ever since our first office, which was in a basement, we have invited artists, especially graffiti artists, to paint our walls with cool, vibrant designs. The result is an office that is covered in art. The graffiti on the exterior changes weekly. You can check out some of our graffiti art here (be sure to scroll down).

It seems obvious that a dynamic company culture can boost morale and build a sense of community among staffers, but I find it also helps with visiting clients. When we give tours through our offices, you can just see people smile, and you can tell they want to work with us — and in most cases, it costs us nothing.

Tom Szaky is the chief executive of TerraCycle, which is based in Trenton, N.J.

Article source: http://feeds.nytimes.com/click.phdo?i=bb3283849905ad7f7460bb90a5d59b95