March 7, 2025

Bucks Blog: Thursday Reading: Where Donated Cars May End Up

December 20

Thursday Reading: Where Donated Cars May End Up

Where donated cars may end up, filling blank walls on a budget, fun smartphone apps for the holidays and other consumer-focused news from The New York Times.

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Bucks Blog: Wednesday Reading: Live as Long as an Olympian

December 18

Tuesday Reading: Beware of Walking and Texting

Beware of walking and texting, a look at the new T-Mobile pricing, a quest for smarter, speedier airport security and other consumer-focused news from The New York Times.

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Bucks Blog: Tuesday Reading: Beware of Walking and Texting

December 18

Tuesday Reading: Beware of Walking and Texting

Beware of walking and texting, a look at the new T-Mobile pricing, a quest for smarter, speedier airport security and other consumer-focused news from The New York Times.

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Media Decoder Blog: Participant Media Plans New Cable Channel

Jeff Skoll, right, the founder and chairman of Participant Media, with the company's chief executive, Jim Berk.Monica Almeida/The New York Times Jeff Skoll, right, the founder and chairman of Participant Media, with the company’s chief executive, Jim Berk.

Participant Media, the production company behind films like “An Inconvenient Truth,” “Food, Inc.” and “Waiting for ‘Superman,” said on Monday that it planned to start a cable channel of its own by combining the assets of two obscure channels, The Documentary Channel and Halogen TV.

Participant said it was aiming to start the untitled channel in the summer of 2013. Evan Shapiro, a former president of IFC and the Sundance Channel, who joined the company last spring, will run the new channel.

“The goal of Participant is to tell stories that serve as catalysts for social change. With our television channel, we can bring those stories into the homes of our viewers every day,” said Jeff Skoll, the founder of Participant.

The channel could be a destination for documentary films made by Participant and other producers. Participant said it would also have original programming. It named several people who are involved in making it, including Brian Graden, Brian Henson, Davis Guggenheim, Meghan McCain and Morgan Spurlock.

The channel will target viewers under the age of 35 — those, as Mr. Shapiro put in a news release Monday, that cable and satellite distributors are “most at risk of losing.” In other words: Participant might try to get the channel picked up by pitching it as a way for distributors to retain young subscribers. Distributors, however, are generally reluctant to carry new channels.

When it starts, the new channel will already reach 40 million homes, Participant estimated, thanks to the channels it is acquiring. The company said on Monday that it had completed a deal to acquire The Documentary Channel, which is available in about 25 million homes, and was working on a deal to take over Halogen TV’s channel position in about 15 million homes.

The terms of the deals were not disclosed.

Among the many documentaries distributed by Participant was “Page One: Inside The New York Times,” a feature about The Times that was released last year. (Several reporters from the newspaper’s media desk, including the one writing this story, were featured in the film.)

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Bucks Blog: Monday Reading: Getting a Mortgage from a Credit Union

December 17

Monday Reading: Getting a Mortgage from a Credit Union

Getting a mortgage from a credit union, some hope for a frozen 401(k), consumer annoyances and ways to stop them and other consumer-focused news from The New York Times.

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Bucks Blog: Tuesday Reading: Teenagers and the Morning-After Pill

December 04

Tuesday Reading: Teenagers and the Morning-After Pill

Teenagers and the morning-after pill, toys get makeovers as dads shop more, study finds high-speed trades hurt investors and other consumer-focused news from The New York Times.

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Bucks Blog: Monday Reading: Test-Flying the 787 Dreamliner

December 03

Monday Reading: Test-Flying the 787 Dreamliner

Test-flying the 787 Dreamliner, saying no to college, mortgage financing for small co-ops and other consumer-focused news from The New York Times.

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In Study, Fears That Life Insurers Are Courting Reserve Risk

WASHINGTON — After more than a year studying a surge of intricate financial deals in the life insurance industry, regulators said Thursday that they had found transactions that could “give the industry a black eye,” but could not agree on what to do about them.

“There are some transactions out there that we’re not comfortable with, and we’re not sure you’d be comfortable with,” Douglas Slape, chairman of the research panel, told a ballroom full of industry representatives at a conference in suburban Washington. “We can’t go into the details because it’s confidential.”

Differences among the panelists soon became apparent as the group laid out its findings. Some expressed concern that insurers were “betting the policyholders’ money,” while others argued that the transactions were carefully vetted and safe.

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners convened the research project, in part, in response to an article in The New York Times on the growing practice among life insurers of offloading huge numbers of policies into opaque, off-balance-sheet subsidiaries. The transactions, often valued in the hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars, can improve the appearance of the insurers’ balance sheets and free up money for other projects, or to pay shareholder dividends.

The Times article questioned whether the use of the special-purpose vehicles meant a shadow insurance industry was being created, outside the usual reach of state insurance regulators.

Diverging views among Thursday’s panel of state regulators pose a problem because the transactions often involve an insurer in one state, a subsidiary in another, and policies sold to customers in any number of other states. States, rather than the federal government, are the primary regulators of the nation’s insurance companies.

“Our entire financial solvency system falls apart if there is not uniformity” among state regulators, said Joseph Torti, a panelist from Rhode Island. “We need to be able to understand what our sister states are doing.”

Separately, New York State is conducting its own investigation of the off-balance-sheet insurance deals. This year it called on the insurers under its jurisdiction to provide detailed information about their special-purpose subsidiaries, why they had created them, and whether the subsidiaries were counting assets that the insurer itself would not be allowed to include on its balance sheet.

In recent years, some states passed laws allowing insurance companies to set up the subsidiaries, because they were perceived as creating good jobs.

Conventional state insurance regulation protects policyholders by requiring companies to set aside enough of the premium money they take in to build reserves to pay all future claims. Companies are also required to maintain a healthy surplus, and regulators can make them stop selling new policies if they fall too far short.

When the life insurers secure their policies through special-purpose vehicles, however, they can do so without building up a body of liquid, cashlike reserves, as prescribed by regulators.

Instead, they offer some form of collateral, like a letter of credit, to stand behind the policies. Some regulators said there were cases in which the collateral was inadequate and would not have been admitted under the usual regulatory standards.

Data compiled by SNL Financial, a data and news company, shows that the practice of securing life policies through a wholly owned subsidiary has grown sharply in the last five years. In 2006, the companies SNL surveyed used such subsidiaries for 31 percent of the policies they reinsured; by 2011, it was up to 45 percent.

SNL also found that while the practice was very popular at some companies, others did not use it at all. The American International Group used subsidiaries for nearly 80 percent of the life policies that it reinsured in 2011, for instance, while Northwestern Mutual used only unaffiliated reinsurers, where the terms would be set in an arms’ length transaction. Still others, like State Farm, were not reinsuring their life policies as of 2011.

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Bucks Blog: Thursday Reading: Cost of Coastal Living to Climb

November 29

Thursday Reading: Cost of Coastal Living to Climb

The cost of coastal living to climb, alternative Christmas trees, soaring brand-name drug prices and other consumer-focused news from The New York Times.

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Bucks Blog: Monday Reading: Travel Tips for Students, By a Student

November 26

Monday Reading: Travel Tips for Students, By a Student

Travel tips for students by a student, the afterlife of your frequent flier miles, how to freshen up a computer and other consumer-focused news from The New York Times.

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