October 23, 2024

Scotland Yard Chief Quits Over Hacking

In a news conference, Sir Paul said his position was “in danger of being eclipsed by the ongoing debate by senior officers and the media. And this can never be right,” according to a report by The Guardian.

The Metropolitan Police, commonly referred to as Scotland Yard, has come under harsh scrutiny in recent days, accused in the press and by British politicians of currying too close a relationship with tabloid executives.

According to news reports, Sir Paul hired a former News of the World executive, Neil Wallis, as a public relations adviser. Mr. Wallis was arrested for questioning last week.

Mr. Wallis also worked for a spa where Sir Paul was treated for five weeks while recovering from a fractured leg this year, the Press Association news agency said. But Scotland Yard said Sir Paul did not know that Mr. Wallis worked there. Indeed, Scotland Yard said, Sir Paul’s stay at the spa, which totaled about $17,000, was arranged by a friend who was the managing director of the establishment.

Scotland Yard said the police paid for Sir Paul’s “intensive physiotherapy” to hasten his return to work.

Earlier Sunday, the British police took Ms. Brooks, 43, into custody after she arrived at a London police station by appointment. The timing, two days before a separate parliamentary inquiry into the crisis, drew a skeptical response from opposition lawmakers who said the arrest might inhibit Ms. Brooks’s ability or readiness to testify before the panel while she is the subject of police inquiries.

David Wilson, a lawyer representing Ms. Brooks, said she “maintains her innocence, absolutely.”

It was the latest twist in a series of events that has transformed Mr. Murdoch from a virtually untouchable force in the British media landscape to a mogul fighting for the survival of his power and influence.

Earlier on Sunday, the leader of the opposition Labour Party, Ed Miliband, who has taken a lead in criticizing Mr. Murdoch’s operations, called for the breakup of News International, his British newspaper subsidiary. Mr. Miliband said the group’s influence was “dangerous.”

Mr. Wilson said the arrest came as a complete surprise to Ms. Brooks, who had believed she was attending a prearranged and voluntary sit-down session to aid police in their inquiries. When she showed up, she was arrested, he said.

News International executives expected Ms. Brooks would be answering police questions as a witness. “It was a surprise to all of us here that she was arrested today,” said a senior company official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “When she resigned on Friday, we were not aware that she would be arrested by the police. And we did not know on Friday that she had made voluntary arrangements to go in and see the police.”

Daisy Dunlop, a News International spokeswoman, declined to say whether News International was paying for Ms. Brooks’s legal and public relations teams.

The arrest came two days after Ms. Brooks quit as chief executive at News International, as the Murdoch family struggled to contain the fallout. And it came two days before Ms. Brooks was to join Rupert Murdoch and his son James in testifying before an parliamentary investigative panel. That committee is focusing on the phone-hacking scandal that has erupted in the two weeks since reports emerged that The News of the World, once the top-selling Sunday tabloid and a central part of the Murdoch operations in Britain, had ordered the hacking of the phone of a 13-year-old girl, Milly Dowler, who was abducted and murdered. The case provoked huge public outrage.

The arrest brought police scrutiny ever closer to the family that controls News International.

“The water is now lapping around the ankles of the Murdoch family,” said Chris Bryant, a Labour parliamentarian who has taken legal action against The News of the World because he suspects his phone has been hacked. On Sunday, for the second day in a row, News International placed full-page advertisements in major newspapers promising full cooperation with the police. “There are no excuses and should be no place to hide,” the advertisements said.

Jo Becker and Don Van Natta contributed reporting.

Article source: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/18/world/europe/18hacking.html?partner=rss&emc=rss

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