September 20, 2024

New Greece govt to back Turkish Stream project

“Yes, we are ready, now everything depends on Russia,” the official told Sputnik News Agency on Monday.

With the strategy to strengthen its policy decisions, the Syriza-led government will support long-term cooperation with Moscow, Quick added.

“This time we will have a stable government that will stay in power for four years, so that we can work together with Russia in the investment sector. This time we have to do it”.

READ MORE: Greek snap election: New Democracy concedes defeat to Tsipras’s leftist Syriza

On Sunday, the left-wing Syriza party won a general snap election which was called after the party lost its majority in August.

Greece will maintain relations with various countries, including Russia, according to Quick. Athens has repeatedly complained of EU pressure and attempts to stop its cooperation with Russia on the Turkish Stream project.

During the St. Petersburg Forum in June, Moscow and Athens signed a €2 billion ($2.26 billion) deal to create a joint enterprise for the construction of the Turkish Stream pipeline across Greek territory. Since then the sides have been working out the details on the Greek extension of the Turkish Stream or the so-called South European pipeline.

READ MORE: Russia, Greece sign €2bn deal on Turkish Stream gas pipeline

The construction of the pipeline will begin in 2016 and is expected to be completed by 2019.

The 1,100km Turkish Stream pipeline will have four threads and an annual capacity of up to 63 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas. About 16bcm will be supplied to Turkey while the remaining 47bcm will go to a hub on the Greek – Turkish border to be transported to Europe.

It replaces the South Stream project, which Russia suspended in December after the EU blocked its implementation. However, it is still unclear how Greece, an EU member, will participate in the project.

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