May 8, 2024

Bucks Blog: The New Rules About Consumer Fees

Does the fee have any relationship whatsoever to the cost of the service? Do companies understand that they don’t have much leeway if we already are angry with them? Is a company telling the whole truth when it imposes a new fee? Are we getting something really neat in return? And are we worrying too much about the wrong types of fees — and not enough about ones that are truly consequential?

These are the five questions I posed in this weekend’s Your Money column. In the wake of the Bank of America debit-card fee fiasco, it sure seems as if we need a new set of standards for what constitutes a reasonable fee. So this week, I asked some of the smartest consumers I know to weigh in on the question.

Given that we have a pretty savvy bunch here on Bucks, too, I’d like to hear what you think about the principles I suggested in the column, the fees you hate (and others that you gladly pay) and about your own big ideas about when to get mad and when to just pay.

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