October 23, 2024

Economix Blog: A Steeper Climb for Single Parents

For single parents, every step on the climb up the income ladder can come with additional complications. Taking a job with a long commute can be impossible, because it leaves no back-up plan when a child gets sick. Working late can be similarly difficult.

Lampra Jones, one of the Atlanta residents I interviewed for Monday’s article on upward mobility, is a recently divorced mother of a baby boy, and she mentioned one more hurdle: the fact that many prospective employers think single motherhood presents even more challenges than it does. She thinks her search for a job as a chiropractor has been hindered by the worries of the people interviewing her.

“The biggest perception is, ‘If he gets sick, who’s going to take care of him?’” said Ms. Jones, who no longer mentions her son in job interviews.

On top of all these concrete difficulties are the psychological ones. Married parents trying to build a better life for themselves and their children can talk to each other every night about the difficulties. Single parents, notes Jamie Lackey, a program director at Catholic Charities Atlanta, which works with low- and middle-income families, are “doing it in isolation.”

It is hardly surprising that family structure was one of the four factors with a clear relationship to upward mobility in a large new study comparing mobility across metropolitan areas. In areas with a higher divorce rate and higher share of single-parent families, the odds of climbing into the middle class or beyond were lower.

For more details on earlier research about family structure, I recommend my colleague Jason DeParle’s in-depth article on the subject from last year. He wrote:

Estimates vary widely, but scholars have said that changes in marriage patterns — as opposed to changes in individual earnings — may account for as much as 40 percent of the growth in certain measures of inequality. Long a nation of economic extremes, the United States is also becoming a society of family haves and family have-nots, with marriage and its rewards evermore confined to the fortunate classes.
“It is the privileged Americans who are marrying, and marrying helps them stay privileged,” said Andrew Cherlin, a sociologist at Johns Hopkins University.
About 41 percent of births in the United States occur outside marriage, up sharply from 17 percent three decades ago. But equally sharp are the educational divides, according to an analysis by Child Trends, a Washington research group. Less than 10 percent of the births to college-educated women occur outside marriage, while for women with high school degrees or less the figure is nearly 60 percent.
Long concentrated among minorities, motherhood outside marriage now varies by class about as much as it does by race. It is growing fastest in the lower reaches of the white middle class — among women like Ms. Schairer who have some postsecondary schooling but no four-year degree.
While many children of single mothers flourish (two of the last three presidents had mothers who were single during part of their childhood), a large body of research shows that they are more likely than similar children with married parents to experience childhood poverty, act up in class, become teenage parents and drop out of school.

One thought-provoking finding from the new study on mobility: In metropolitan areas with large numbers of single-parent families, even children with two parents face longer odds of climbing the economic ladder.

That pattern suggests that a factor that the researchers were not able to measure is affecting both family structure and economic mobility — or that family-structure patterns have effects on an entire community. The researchers did not offer a hypothesis and instead encouraged future research to examine the question.

Article source: http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/07/22/a-steeper-climb-for-single-parents/?partner=rss&emc=rss

Economix: How to Cut Child Poverty in Half

Today's Economist

Nancy Folbre is an economics professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Cutting child poverty in half sounds like a magician’s trick, or some miracle of rapid economic growth. But Britain has used standard policy tools to reduce its child-poverty rate by more than half since 1994 and has effectively defended this progress against the pressures of the Great Recession.

By contrast, the child poverty rate has trended upward in the United States since 2000, and children have proved economically vulnerable to increased unemployment.

Most other rich countries rate higher on indicators of child well-being than either Britain or the United States. But we have more in common with Britain than most other countries, and rightfully pay closer attention to it.

The contours of British success are detailed in “Britain’s War on Poverty,” a compelling book by Jane Waldfogel of Columbia University. An updated summary has been published online by two nonprofit groups that have long pressed for more attention to these issues: First Focus and the Foundation for Child Development, on whose board I serve. (Professor Waldfogel was also the subject of a recent Book Chat on this blog.)

The ordinary policies in Britain that led to what many Americans would consider extraordinary results were these: an increase in the national minimum wage (currently about $9.70 an hour, compared with our $7.25), tax incentives to encourage single parents to move into paid employment, increased public benefits for parents, provision of universal preschool and regulations making it easier for parents of young children to request flexible work schedules.

Many similar, though less generous policies are already in effect in the United States, at the federal or state level. Indeed, the title of Professor Waldfogel’s book evokes President Lyndon B. Johnson’s War on Poverty, while Britain’s New Deal for Lone Parents sounds Rooseveltian. The Sure Start program, focusing on social and educational services to young children in low-income families, resembles our Head Start program.

In short, just as the British have built on our examples, we could easily build on theirs. Do we simply lack the political will, or is it harder in the United States to translate this political will into legislative action?

A survey commissioned by First Focus in April suggests that most Americans worry that children fare poorly and oppose cuts in federal spending that could hurt them. But even strongly voiced concerns about poverty are difficult to hear over the cacophony of fierce debate on budget cuts and government spending.

Britain has a longer history of universal programs, such as national health insurance and paid parental leave, that may have created a stronger political commitment to public spending.

Under Tony Blair’s leadership, the Labour Party government that came to power in 1997 took a more decisive stand on child poverty than our Democratic Party. Professor Waldfogel suggests that concerns about child poverty have been — and remain — stronger across the political spectrum in Britain, with the new coalition government of Conservatives and Liberal Democrats promising to leave poor children unharmed by planned major cuts in social spending.

Recent cuts in once-universal child benefits (on the grounds that the country can’t afford to subsidize high-income parents) reflect some growing tensions. Continuing political debate in Britain suggests that income cutoffs for eligibility raise issues of fairness and may foster political resentment toward low-income families.

Racial and ethnic diversity in Britain has increased considerably in recent years as a result of increased immigration, and Professor Waldfogel notes that poverty among children is highest among those of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin, just as it is highest in the United States among black and Hispanic children.

Income inequality has increased in Britain in recent years, as it has in the United States. As a result, declines in absolute poverty among children have not been matched by declines in the relative poverty of children’s families, defined as a percentage of median family income.

Still, Britain has made distinct and admirable progress. While the future of its efforts to reduce child poverty remains uncertain, Britain’s recent history vindicates the hope that we can find both the will and the way to do better here.

First Focus, in conjunction with Senator Bob Casey, Democrat of Pennsylvania, and the Foundation for Child Development, plans a Congressional briefing on these issues on June 16.

Article source: http://feeds.nytimes.com/click.phdo?i=9c43ff263e14cd00a9d000fd14fce6fb