March 15, 2025

Common Sense: Investors and Fed Talk Past Each Other

So why did the Fed’s action reap a blast of criticism?

Reuters said 33 of 48 economists it polled faulted the Fed for being “unclear” in its communications, adding, “It is rare for a consensus of economists to criticize a major central bank.” The Wall Street Journal said Mr. Bernanke’s announcement was “the latest in a series of communications missteps.”

But perhaps their ire would have been better directed at the lawmakers in Washington who are trying to shut down the government and are threatening to default on the national debt. “Nobody knows what will happen with the budget and the national debt ceiling,” Alan Blinder, a professor of economics and public affairs at Princeton University and a former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve, told me this week. “The second of those is a major hazard to markets and the economy. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that this might have given the Fed some second thoughts” about tightening.

The Fed’s action clearly surprised many professional investors, who were betting the Fed would start to tighten monetary policy, driving down stock and bond prices. When their bets turned out to be wrong, many of them aired their complaints with the Fed in the media.

The criticism plainly exasperated the usually unflappable Fed chairman, who has made greater communication and transparency a hallmark of his tenure. At a news conference on Sept. 18, he said, “I don’t recall stating that we would do any particular thing in this meeting,” and added somewhat tartly that the Fed’s mandate is to do what’s best for the economy and not what’s best for a small group of professional investors. “We can’t let market expectations dictate our policy actions,” he said.

Professor Blinder agreed with the chairman. “A small number of bond traders got burned by this, and when bond traders get burned they tend to blame the Fed,” he said. “And they should realize the Fed is not there to please them.”

At least some market professionals read the Fed’s signals right. Michael Hanson and Brian Smedley, analysts at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, presciently warned before the Fed’s meeting that “the markets believe a September taper is a done deal,” but “we anticipate the Fed will attempt to recalibrate market expectations at this meeting. In our view, the best way to do that is by not tapering in September.”

Bill Gross, Pimco’s founder and widely followed bond and interest rate expert, also warned that market expectations had gotten ahead of reality, suggesting the Fed was more likely to “tinker” than “taper.”

Justin Wolfers, a professor of economics at the University of Michigan who is currently at the Brookings Institution in Washington, told me this week that investors shouldn’t have been so surprised. “Bernanke never promised to taper in September,” Professor Wolfers said. “He always said the decision was data-dependent.” It turned out that “the data were worse than when he first started talking about tapering.” And with a fiscal showdown looming in Congress, tightening monetary policy now would have been reckless, he said.

“There’s no reason to do it now when the Fed can wait a few months and see if this crisis is averted. Market professionals are whining about the Fed’s poor communication skills,” he said. “But the Fed has a clear statutory mandate, and keeping traders happy is not one of them.”

Even so, he and other economists I interviewed also agreed that Mr. Bernanke and the Fed bore at least some responsibility for the market’s confusion, especially given the Fed’s stated goal to reduce uncertainty and avoid market surprises. In June, Mr. Bernanke said that the Fed might begin to scale back its stimulus program before the end of the year, which many analysts interpreted as hinting at a September date. And he set a specific unemployment rate target of 7 percent for ending its monthly purchases of government bonds. Now, he’s saying the reduction in bond purchases might still begin before the end of the year, but he left open the option of continuing it beyond then. And he played down the importance of the unemployment data in setting Fed policy.

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Shortcuts: Advice for Keeping Holiday Parties and Guests Safe

LAST Thanksgiving, I learned a valuable safety tip: be careful when using a foil roasting pan. It can puncture and fat can drip in the oven, resulting in a fire.

All this caused quite some excitement because 22 people were waiting to be fed. We managed to save the turkey, though, and the oven suffered no long-term harm. But the incident reminded me that when we prepare meals and our homes for the holidays, most of us tend to concentrate on how nice everything will look and taste. We don’t really think about keeping our guests safe.

Cynthia Weber, a decorator in Ontario, remembers a similar situation.

She was at her aunt’s house for Christmas. “Boughs of pine were elegantly draped over the crystal chandelier above a stunning centerpiece of candles.” Everyone was seated at a formal dinner, complete with Waterford crystal and Limoges plates. Then, a candle lighted the pine on fire. Alarms went off and the security system started calling.

“We couldn’t swat at it because it was in midair attached to a crystal chandelier,” Ms. Weber said.

Her aunt, thinking quickly, went to get wet tea towels and smothered the flames.

“But everybody felt a little singed,” Ms. Weber said.

As the holidays approach, people start poring over decorating magazines and online sites and “get completely fixated on everything looking beautiful even if it’s completely impractical,” she said.

Most of us think first of beauty, then comfort, then safety, said David Mauldin, owner of the home repair company House Medic, based in Austin, Tex.

“That order should be reversed,” he said.

It may not be a Hallmark saying, but I strongly believe that a good holiday is one where you avoid the emergency room.

Start with the first impression your house will make. Is there adequate lighting, even in rain and fog? Is there a loose step?

As for beauty, take a hard look at your front door. Last year, my colleague Bob Tedeschi wrote a great article on how to spruce up your front door for the holidays, taking on everything from picking out a new doormat to installing new door handles and locks.

If you don’t want to do it yourself, Mr. Mauldin said his company, which is a franchise of, can make a front door look almost like new in a few hours.

Although garlands draped over banisters can be festive, don’t forget that handrails serve an important practical function, Ms. Weber said.

“People are sometimes afraid to touch the banisters if they’re decorated,” she said. Securing a decoration to the outside of the rails allows people to still use them.

When your guests enter your house, make sure they’re not assaulted with an overload of smells. Hold back on the scented candles, Ms. Weber said, because the combination of food and perfume can become overwhelming.

We often entertain more people than usual at holidays and drag out card tables or folding chairs that we use only annually. Check to be sure that they’re in good operating order. At another Thanksgiving my family attended years ago, the beautifully laid table collapsed just as the turkey was placed on it.

And while dishes of colorful candies can be attractive, they can also be a choking hazard for toddlers, Ms. Weber said. Place them high enough so that children can reach them only with an adult’s help.

The bathroom may not be the first place you think of when entertaining, but it is a room a lot of guests will visit while in your house. Always make sure there’s a fairly full roll of toilet paper and if necessary, an extra one in easy sight. Finding the host to inquire about more toilet paper is never enjoyable.

Speaking of places to escape to, it’s not a bad idea, if possible, to set up a “quiet room” with no music or decorations for someone who needs to nurse a baby or recover from a headache, Ms. Weber said.

If you’re having houseguests stay over a night or more, the bathroom becomes even more important. Wet hair, steam and an unfamiliar shower can be a recipe for disaster.

“Most accidents happen when people are stepping from one wet surface to another,” Mr. Mauldin said. So make sure there’s a nonslip mat outside your shower.

Sometimes people want to go the extra distance to ensure their older guests’ safety in the bath and buy grab bars that stick to the walls with suction.


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