March 20, 2025

Senate Passes Bill to Widen Tax Collection on the Web

WASHINGTON — A bipartisan coalition in the Senate easily passed legislation on Monday to force Internet retailers to collect sales taxes for state and local governments, sending the issue to the House, where antitax forces have vowed to kill it.

But the 69-to-27 vote in the Senate will give the measure significant momentum. Hundreds of retailers are flying to Washington this week to pressure House lawmakers and counter the arguments of small-government groups, including Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform, which wields great influence in the House.

“After 20 years, there is finally light at the end of the tunnel for our brick-and-mortar businesses,” said Representative Steve Womack, Republican of Arkansas, and the bill’s House sponsor. “Saving local retail business depends on it, and it’s now up to the House to act.”

The Internet sales tax bill — called the Marketplace Fairness Act — is a rarity in Washington these days, a significant tax measure that has split antitax groups in Washington from reliably Republican Main Street businesses beyond the capital. That divide has given the measure at least a chance to reach President Obama, who supports it.

With Republicans in Congress equally split, Senator Richard Durbin of Illinois, the Senate’s No. 2 Democrat, joked Monday that C-Span watchers would see something “historic” and “precedent-setting:” “The Senate is actually going to vote for a bill.”

The legislation would allow states to force online retailers with more than $1 million in annual out-of-state sales to collect sales taxes from all customers and remit those taxes back to state and local governments. States would have to provide software to help calculate the taxes for thousands of jurisdictions.

Its sponsors intentionally kept the bill simple — just 11 pages in length — to ease passage. In contrast, the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation on Monday released a 568-page report to the House Ways and Means Committee on options for overhauling the tax code compiled by 11 bipartisan House working groups tackling that issue. The release was intended to push forward comprehensive tax reform, but it only underscored how difficult a task that will be in a divided Congress.

The Senate Internet tax debate revolved around advocates’ arguments that applying sales taxes online is only fair, since traditional brick-and-mortar retailers must levy such taxes already. Supporters said the bill was not a tax increase but a guarantee that taxes already owed would actually be paid. The Senate, they said, was standing up for the right of states to collect taxes as they see fit.

“The first thing we have to make sure everybody understands is this isn’t a tax issue,” said Matthew Shay, chief executive of the National Retail Federation, which pushed for the legislation. “States determine the level of sales taxes to be collected. All we want to do is make sure the taxes are collected that are due.”

But opponents say they will try to slow the process down in the House and shift the conversation to their issues: fears that the complexity of collecting the taxes will put many Internet retailers out of business or subject them to an avalanche of audits from state and local governments around the country.

In a “Memo for the Movement,” a coalition of 52 conservatives on Monday demanded that House Republican leaders not bring the Senate bill straight to the House floor and also said House conservatives “should reject any bill that expands the authority of out-of-state governments to regulate businesses with regard to online taxation.”

Signers included Mr. Norquist, the keeper of the no-new-taxes pledge that almost every Republican in Washington has signed, conservative luminaries including Phyllis Schlafly and Richard Viguerie, and the heads of Heritage Action, the Heritage Foundation’s political arm, the Tea Party Patriots, Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks.

“We’re fairly confident that at the very least, we will slow this down,” said Dan Holler, a spokesman for Heritage Action. “Then we have to make the arguments that can win.”

With conservatives in Washington organizing against it, the bill faces an uphill climb in the House, but not a steep one. The House bill already has 65 co-sponsors, almost half of them Republican, and those Republicans include veteran conservatives like Representatives Joe Barton of Texas and Spencer Bachus of Alabama. Proponents point to their own conservative supporters, including Al Cardenas, chairman of the American Conservative Union, and Arthur Laffer, a conservative economist.

The House Judiciary Committee chairman, Bob Goodlatte of Virginia, has said he will at least consider the measure. After the Senate’s passage, Mr. Goodlatte made it clear he would take his time with the legislation and would insist on significant changes. He suggested he may force more uniformity in sales tax rates and add legal recourse for Internet retailers facing multiple audits. But he did not indicate he planned to delay the issue in his committee. Conservative voices in Washington are being countered by reliably Republican business voices from home. Representative Tom Price, Republican of Georgia and a House conservative leader, said Monday that he was just starting to hear from both sides, including district retailers coming to his office.

Mr. Price said he was undecided on the issue, but he noted the bill would now go to the House Judiciary Committee, not the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee. That itself could ease the bill’s passage.

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Economic View: A Liberal Obama vs. a Moderate Obama in the Fiscal Debate

Here is the dialogue, as I imagine it, between the two policy wonks — the Moderate Obama and the Liberal Obama — struggling for control of the president’s soul.

THE MODERATE OBAMA: I am sure glad the election is behind us. I was really getting tired of giving all those platitudinous campaign speeches …

THE LIBERAL OBAMA: Yeah, me too.

MOD: … and beating up on Bain Capital.

LIB: Actually, I enjoyed that. It’s fun to make the plutocrats squirm.

MOD: The good news for the nation is that we can now resolve the budget impasse quickly and avoid the fiscal cliff.

LIB: Really? I don’t see how.

MOD: Didn’t you listen to Speaker Boehner’s press conference the other day? He’s finally conceded the need for more tax revenue. He is ready to throw Grover Norquist’s tax pledge under the bus.

LIB: You think Boehner is ready to raise income tax rates for the rich? I don’t think so.

MOD: Well, sure, he won’t agree to increase tax rates, but he is ready to increase tax revenue by broadening the tax base. As long as the rich pay more, I don’t care how we do it.

LIB: We tried negotiating this back in 2011, and nothing came of it. What’s new here?

MOD: The election is over. The Republicans are ready to make a deal.

LIB: I’m not sure I believe that. But let’s say it’s true. Can we raise enough money that way?

MOD: According to the Tax Policy Center, if we cap itemized deductions at $50,000 and keep tax rates as they are today, we’d raise $749 billion in tax revenue over 10 years. And 96.2 percent of the extra revenue would come from the top fifth of taxpayers, with 79.9 percent from the top 1 percent.

LIB: I have a couple of concerns about that.

MOD: What?

LIB: First, if you limit deductions, people in high-tax states will be hit particularly hard, because state and local taxes are deductible.

MOD: Isn’t that fair? I don’t see why states and towns that choose to have very high taxes should be subsidized by everyone else.

LIB: These states generally have liberal agendas, which I want to encourage, not penalize. And many of them, like New York and California, vote Democratic. After they helped us win such a great victory, I don’t think we should be asking our allies to bear a disproportionate share of the burden.

MOD: O.K., what’s your other concern?

LIB: I don’t think that $749 billion is enough revenue to solve the long-term fiscal problem.

MOD: By itself, it won’t solve the problem. We’ll need to combine it with reforms on the spending side. Maybe we should gradually but significantly increase the ages of eligibility for Social Security and Medicare.

LIB: Our signature achievement in the first term was to make the social safety net more generous with Obamacare. (I’ve really come to like that term.) I don’t want to devote our second term to undermining the safety net by making Social Security and Medicare less generous.

MOD: But we promised a balanced approach. That meant raising taxes on the rich, together with substantial reductions in government spending.

LIB: We should start by cutting military spending.

MOD: Maybe, but that’s not the main source of our long-term fiscal imbalance. Spending on entitlements is.

LIB: Then why don’t we focus on bending the cost curve for health care?

MOD: Sure, everyone would like to pay less for health care without reducing its availability or quality. But it’s not so easy.

LIB: We have lots of great ideas: increased preventive care, greater reliance on health information technology, more research on the cost effectiveness of alternative procedures.

MOD: That all sounds good, but it ultimately might not amount to very much savings. I am afraid that you’re being tempted by wishful thinking.

LIB: We’ve barely started. Look at Europe. They have a more robust social safety net than we do.

MOD: True, but they pay for it by taxing the middle class more heavily. They impose a value-added tax, for example. We just promised that we wouldn’t raise middle-class taxes. Besides, Europe’s fiscal picture doesn’t look very pretty, either.

LIB: Then we’ll just have to raise taxes on the rich even more.

MOD: What are you proposing?

LIB: We can both broaden the base and raise the top tax rates. The economist Peter Diamond, whom we tried to appoint to the Federal Reserve, has calculations suggesting that the top tax rate should be 73 percent. That is close to the 75 percent rate that President Hollande of France is now pursuing.

MOD: Are you nuts? I don’t want to become France.

LIB: We don’t have to go that far, but we can go higher than where we are now. California just created a new tax rate for married couples earning more than $1 million a year and singles earning more than $500,000. Maybe the federal government should do the same thing.

MOD: California is not exactly a role model for sound fiscal policy.

LIB: True, the state has had its problems. But it is now coming to grips with them, in a progressive way.

MOD: Let’s face facts: It’s impossible to resolve our fiscal imbalance just by taxing the rich more. The gap between spending and revenue is too big. If we are going to avoid much higher middle-class taxes, we need fundamental entitlement reform. Also, we need to keep Speaker Boehner on board. Even if he wanted to, he could never get the House Republicans to agree to a tax increase as large as you want.

LIB: We’ve got leverage now. If the House doesn’t cave, we can threaten to go over the cliff. The economy would most likely head into another recession, but we could blame it on the Republicans. That prospect should scare them into line.

MOD: Are you really sure that’s the mandate we got from the election?

N. Gregory Mankiw is a professor of economics at Harvard. He was an adviser to Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential campaign.

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