March 7, 2025

Media Decoder Blog: At News Conference, Reporters Skip Past Gun Control and Face Instant Criticism

President Obama, joined by the vice president, spoke with reporters on Wednesday afternoon.Evan Vucci/Associated Press President Obama, joined by the vice president, spoke with reporters on Wednesday afternoon.

3:34 p.m. | Updated The harshest judges of those in news media are often others in the news media, and, with the benefit of Twitter, that intrajournalistic watchdog role can be performed simultaneously with the journalism being criticized.

Case in point was the White House news conference on Wednesday afternoon, when President Obama made a forceful announcement in response to the massacre of children last week in Newtown, Conn. He said he was directing Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. to lead an effort “to come up with a set of concrete proposals” about dealing with gun violence that he would submit to Congress no later than January.

“We are going to need to work on making access to mental health care as easy as access to a gun,” Mr. Obama said. “We’re going to need to look more closely at a culture that all too often glorifies guns and violence.”

His words, after five days of extensive news coverage and national debate, were intensely focused on gun violence. He addressed no other topics. Yet judging by the questions that followed his address, most of the members of the Washington press corps had other things on their minds.

“I’d like to ask you about the other serious issue consuming this town right now, the fiscal cliff,” was the first question, from The Associated Press’s correspondent, Ben Feller.

Mr. Obama answered. Then came the next question, again about the so-called “fiscal cliff”: “What is your next move?” Then: “You mentioned the $700,000, $800,000 — are you willing to move on income level?” And so on, for at least 15 minutes, before a question about gun violence was finally asked, by David Jackson of USA Today.

Media watchers on Twitter — mainly other members of the media and some whose job it is to watch it — quickly seized on the questions as a sign that the Washington press corps was out of step with the national agenda.

In a statement, Sally Buzbee, The A.P.’s Washington bureau chief, defended her reporter’s line of questioning.

“I think it was perfectly fine for A.P. White House correspondent Ben Feller to pose a question about the fiscal cliff,” Ms. Buzbee said. “The president had just spoken at length about gun control, but had not yet said a word about the other huge issue of the day affecting the nation, the fiscal cliff. We ask questions intended to ensure that big news is covered. We do this all this time. We aim to cover the uncovered ground.”

It wasn’t long, however, before the criticism spread throughout the wider Twitterverse and became a meme in itself. People proposed, tongue in cheek, other topics for questions in lieu of gun control under the hashtag #DCPressQuestions.

This post has been revised to reflect the following correction:

Correction: December 19, 2012

An earlier version of this post incorrectly identified the reporter who was first to ask President Obama about gun violence. It was David Jackson of USA Today, not Jake Tapper of ABC News, who later also asked about gun violence.

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Berlusconi Vows Not to Resign

“The country is economically and financially solid. In difficult moments, it knows how to stay together and confront difficulties,” Mr. Berlusconi said in his first public remarks in a tense month. “Today more than ever, we need to act all together.”

But neither the center-left opposition nor financial markets shared Mr. Berlusconi’s optimism or his confidence in his government’s ability to carry out long-promised reforms. On Wednesday rates on Italy’s benchmark 10-year bond remained above 6 percent, easing only slightly from Tuesday’s record highs.

Addressing Parliament for the first time since it passed a $70 billion austerity package in mid-July, Mr. Berlusconi called on Wednesday for measures that would balance Italy’s budget “by the end of the year,” not 2014 as originally planned.

While delivering the same speech to the Lower House and the Senate after the markets had closed, he offered no concrete proposals beyond calls for unity and saying he would meet with the opposition, as well as business and labor union leaders, to discuss a plan for growth. Mr. Berlusconi said that his government would serve its mandate until 2013, “when we will serenely face the judgment of the electorate.”

He was expected to address the Senate later on Wednesday evening.

Given the ferocity of the markets’ turn against Italy, analysts said the address fell short of what was needed.

“It was a speech without ideas,” said Stefano Folli, the chief political columnist of the financial daily Il Sole 24 Ore, which is owned by the industrialists’ association, Confindustria. “It was very optimistic. I had hoped for a tone more adequate to the difficulties of the moment.”

“If he says the big theme is economic growth, let’s see if proposals emerge. Those have to translate immediately into laws and government initiatives,” Mr. Folli said. “If they stay vague, then the circle closes in a terrible way,” he added, referring to the end of the Berlusconi era.

A born salesman whose peppy speeches once entranced Italians, Mr. Berlusconi in recent months has often seemed more consumed with his own personal legal problems and the fate of his businesses — which include Italy’s largest private broadcaster — than with the fate of his country.

On Wednesday, Mr. Berlusconi was met with boos in the Lower House when he said, “you’re listening to a businessman who has three businesses listed on the stock market and who is in the financial trenches, aware every day of what’s going on in the markets.”

In the Lower House he was flanked by his finance minister, Giulio Tremonti, who has been weakened by a corruption investigation into a former aide.

Following the speech, Pier Luigi Bersani of the opposition center-left Democratic Party renewed his calls on Mr. Berlusconi to step down and call early elections, as his Spanish counterpart, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, did last week.

“Italy is in very big trouble,” Mr. Bersani said. “We have been told we’re better than the others. We haven’t looked this problem in the face,” he added, referring to Mr. Berlusconi’s remarks that Italy’s budget deficit, at 4.6 percent of the gross domestic product in 2010, is below the European average, although its debt, at nearly 120 percent, is Europe’s highest after Greece. However, Italy’s growth rate is hovering around a paltry 1.0 percent.

“The question of how can we pay our debt if we don’t even grow, is a legitimate question that doesn’t come from speculation,” Mr. Bersani said.

Gaia Pianigiani contributed reporting.

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