March 17, 2025

Greece Reaches New Deal With Lenders

ATHENS — After nearly two weeks of tense negotiations, Greece and its troika of foreign creditors said Monday that they had clinched an agreement on economic measures it must enforce to secure the release of further crucial rescue money, including thousands of layoffs in the civil service.

“We wrapped it up; we have a deal with the troika,” Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras told reporters.

His words came a few minutes after the troika, comprising the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund, who have extended two bailouts to Greece worth €240 billion, or $310 billion, over the past three years, issued a joint statement saying Greece was on track to curb its huge debt burden, which stood at 160 percent of gross domestic product at the end of last year.

“Fiscal performance is on track to meet the program targets, and the government is committed to fully implement all agreed fiscal measures for 2013-2014 that are not yet in place,” the statement said, adding that the release of a loan installment of €2.8 billion that had been due in March “could be agreed soon by the euro area member states.”

The International Monetary Fund’s envoy to Athens, Poul Thomsen, said the release of the €2.8 billion, as well as another €7.2 billion for the recapitalization of Greek banks, could be released as early as next week

The troika’s statement added that an agreement had been reached on streamlining the Greek civil service and emphasized the importance of recapitalizing Greek banks without delay. It said Greece would probably return to growth next year.

Mr. Stournaras was even more upbeat, saying Greece aimed to achieve a primary surplus this year, which would allow it to seek more debt relief, according to an agreement with creditors.

The issue that caused negotiations to stall in mid-March was the overhaul of the bloated civil service, a contentious topic that has tested the cohesion of Greece’s fragile coalition government. An agreement was finally secured over the weekend, with the two sides agreeing that 15,000 civil service positions would be eliminated by the end of next year, including 4,000 this year, according to reports in the Greek news media. The departures are to include employees close to retirement and an estimated 2,000 who have been accused of disciplinary offenses.

The plan has prompted vehement reactions from the government’s political rivals, with Alexis Tsipras, the head of the main leftist opposition party, Syriza, describing it Sunday as “a human sacrifice” that would merely swell the ranks of the unemployed, who already account for 27 percent of the population.

According to leaked details of the deal with the troika, foreign inspectors accepted Greek demands to reduce by 15 percent a contentious property tax, which was introduced as an emergency measure in 2011 but has been extended. The two sides are also said to have agreed on allowing Greeks owing taxes and social security debts to the state to pay them off in up to 48 monthly installments.

Mr. Thomsen of the International Monetary Fund said in a speech to a conference organized by The Economist that widespread tax evasion “remains a huge problem.” He added, however, that Greece had “indeed come a long way.”

“The fiscal adjustment has been exceptional by any standard,” he said.

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Greek Unions Walk Out in Austerity Protest

The 24-hour strike was called by the country’s two main labor unions, which represent about 2.5 million workers and have led public resistance to three years of austerity measures that have raised taxes and cut salaries and pensions. The unions called on Greeks to join them in protest rallies in Athens and other cities on Wednesday to oppose “dead-end policies that have squeezed the life out of workers and impoverished citizens,” slashing average incomes by a third and pushing unemployment to 27 percent.

Transport employees were to run a limited service to allow Greeks to join protest rallies. In Athens, the police were out in force to guard against violence that frequently accompanies demonstrations near Parliament.

Ferries remained moored in ports, trains stayed in depots and air travel was disrupted. Tax offices and courts also closed.

The action came just days before representatives of Greece’s international creditors — the so-called troika of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund — were to return to Athens to assess the country’s progress in carrying out reforms. After a revenue shortfall of 7 percent last month, the shaky coalition government of Prime Minister Antonis Samaras will have to convince foreign auditors that it can bolster tax collection and impose state sell-offs vehemently opposed by trade unions.

The government has taken a tough line in recent weeks, using emergency laws twice to force Athens metro workers and seamen back to work after protracted strike action. It has resisted demands from farmers who have been blocking roads in a bid to obtain tax breaks.

But authorities have yet to proceed with layoffs in the civil service that the troika has been demanding for two years. This week, the authorities announced that nearly 2,000 public workers facing possible dismissal would be transferred to other parts of the civil service where a wave of early retirements has left vacancies.

Recently, troika officials indicated that a failure by Greece to meet revenue targets through improved tax collection and lower public spending could require another round of cuts to salaries and pensions, a prospect the government has ruled out, warning of a social explosion.

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