September 8, 2024

Media Decoder: The Next Daily Deal

SaverTime Web site The new SaverTime Web service.

The daily deal coupon world is set to get a little bigger on Monday when the company behind the direct mail PennySaver fliers known throughout California begins a Web service called SaverTime.

“We’ve always been the champion of the little guy,” said Loren Dalton, president of and “We’re trying to help even the field for them as they play against the big boys online now.”

The SaverTime site is intended to compete with the likes of Groupon and LivingSocial in a few important ways, Mr. Dalton said. Placing a deal with the service is free for a small business, which then splits the revenue evenly with SaverTime.

The company says its deals are aimed at more specific geographic locations than just a ZIP code. People who use a coupon will receive a SaverTime Sequel coupon for a similar offer, which is aimed at creating repeat business, Mr. Dalton said.

“I was really pleased with the fact that this was more territorial, more segmented to my area,” said Lynn Sanders, the owner of the Earth Wise Nutritional Centers outlet in Lake Forest, Calif.

Ms. Sanders is offering customers $40 worth of vitamins for $20. “In today’s economy people want to get the best buys,” she said. “Once I get someone in the door I have the opportunity to show what I’m all about.”

There are also incentives for those who register their friends. SaverTime’s 5-3-2 Network allows a user to get a credit of 2 to 5 percent of the dollar amount of purchases made by people associated with that user’s network.

The service will be available on Monday in about 20 areas in California, and the company says it is training nearly 400 sales representatives to sell Web coupons in addition to print coupons.

People interested in SaverTime deals can sign up for an e-mail alert or go to the Web site. A SaverTime mobile application is in the works, and the site encourages people outside California to “tell us where you would like to see us next!”

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