September 7, 2024

Glenn Thrush, Suspended Times Reporter, to Resume Work but Won’t Cover White House

Mr. Baquet also said Mr. Thrush was undergoing counseling and substance abuse rehabilitation on his own and that he would receive training “to improve his workplace conduct.”

“We understand that our colleagues and the public at large are grappling with what constitutes sexually offensive behavior in the workplace and what consequences are appropriate,” Mr. Baquet added. “Each case has to be evaluated based on individual circumstances. We believe this is an appropriate response to Glenn’s situation.”

Mr. Thrush, 50, has been suspended without pay since late November, when the Vox report was published. An article on which Mr. Thrush shared a byline with two other reporters, about President Trump’s first year in office, was published earlier this month, with a note saying Mr. Thrush had contributed reporting before he was suspended. The Times did not say what subject Mr. Thrush would cover when he returned from suspension.

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Mr. Thrush declined to comment.

The four women in the Vox article described Mr. Thrush’s behavior as including unwanted kissing and touching. One of the women, Laura McGann, wrote the article, which was presented in the first person. The three other women cited in the article were not identified by name.

Mr. Thrush, who had been a star reporter at Politico, was hired by The Times in January to cover the Trump administration.

As one of six reporters covering the White House, Mr. Thrush became one of the paper’s most prominent names, writing numerous front-page articles about Mr. Trump and the internal machinations of his administration. His name also resonated outside journalism circles: He was portrayed several times, by Bobby Moynihan, on “Saturday Night Live” as a foil to Sean Spicer, the former White House press secretary.

He was also working on a book about Mr. Trump with Maggie Haberman, another White House reporter for The Times. Last month, Random House said in a statement that it was looking “closely and seriously” at the matter concerning Mr. Thrush.

Mr. Thrush is also a contributor to MSNBC. In a statement last month, the network said it was “awaiting the outcome of The Times’s investigation” and that Mr. Thrush had no scheduled appearances.

At Politico, Mr. Thrush was the chief political correspondent and a senior staff writer for its magazine. He has also worked at Newsday.

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