September 21, 2024

You’re the Boss Blog: Angel Investors-in-Training Choose an Investment

Pipeline Fund fellows (left to right, with T-shirts) Monica Barrera, Dawn Barber, and Elizabeth Crowell.Erica TorresPipeline fellows (left to right, with T-shirts) Monica Barrera, Dawn Barber, and Elizabeth Crowell.

She Owns It

Portraits of women entrepreneurs.

Since April, I’ve followed the progress of the first class of Pipeline Fellowship fellows, 10 women who learned how to become angel investors during a six-month program, and then chose a company to receive their pooled investment. When I last checked in with them, they had narrowed the field of possible companies to three — all of which were for-profit, woman-led, and socially conscious, as required by Pipeline.

Last week, the fellows announced their choice: PhilanTech, a company that develops and sells an online grant-management tool for nonprofit organizations and foundations. PhilanTech, founded in 2004 by Dahna Goldstein, will receive a total investment of $105,000 — $50,000 contributed by the fellows as part of the program, plus an additional $55,000 that two fellows added on their own. In exchange for their investment, the fellows will receive equity and two PhilanTech board seats (one for the $50,000 investment, and a second for the additional money raised).

Conor Barnes, one of the 10 fellows, said PhilanTech impressed her immediately. She said Ms. Goldstein started her pitch by stating that the nonprofit world had a $5.5 billion problem that her product solved: 13 cents of every grant dollar goes to grant administration. As a veteran of several small nonprofits, Ms. Barnes said the solution resonated with her.

“A lot of entrepreneurs come in and say, ‘Who wouldn’t want this product?’” said Ms. Barnes. But Ms. Goldstein knew her customers. “When she said, ‘Investors don’t understand me,’ it wasn’t code for, ‘I can’t explain it,’ ” said Ms. Barnes. Instead, it indicated that the nonprofit world wasn’t on investor radar screens. “They had no experience with the problem,” said Ms. Barnes.

Elizabeth Crowell, another fellow, was won over by Ms. Goldstein’s responsiveness and her readiness to build PhilanTech. “In terms of social impact, she didn’t meet our criteria, she exceeded it,” Ms. Crowell said. She added that social impact was part of Ms. Goldstein’s D.N.A., and not an afterthought tacked on to her pitch just to secure funding. When Ms. Goldstein pitched to established angel groups, she said they seemed to view PhilanTech’s social mission as a distraction. “There was a misalignment of priorities,” she said.

Ms. Goldstein, who has an M.B.A. and a background in educational technology, said the Pipeline money was “game-changing” for PhilanTech. She plans to raise $250,000 at this stage and says that having $105,000 of that in hand will help when approaching other investors. PhilanTech, which has four employees, expects to use the funding to make sales and marketing hires within the next six months.

For PhilanTech, the benefits of partnering with Pipeline are more than financial, Ms. Goldstein said. “I’m also getting 10 passionate, committed women with different backgrounds and networks who are invested in my success,” she said. “I can’t even figure out how to value that.”

In addition to being committed to PhilanTech’s success, the fellows are sold on angel investing. Ms. Crowell said she was starting to build deal flow and to consider ways to augment her portfolio. Through her Pipeline connections, she is meeting with more experienced investors. She wants to focus on small and local businesses and has found the book Locavesting particularly helpful on the subject. (The book, by Amy Cortese, is published by Wiley.) She’s also researching Mission Markets, an exchange for socially responsible businesses.

Ms. Crowell has learned that angel investing takes patience. “This isn’t like logging on to your e-account and day trading,” she said. In addition to being comfortable with a long horizon, she said angel investors must be tolerant of risk. She stressed the importance of building a portfolio of companies. “If you have a 10-company portfolio,” she said, “you have to be prepared for three or four of them to lose 100 percent of your money.”

For Ms. Barnes, the biggest revelation was that angel investing can be taught. “It’s not magic,” she said. At the same time, she added, success can be random: “You can do all the due diligence you want, but part of it is luck.”

You can follow Adriana Gardella on Twitter.

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