September 30, 2024

Senate Republicans Stall Critical Vote on Fed Nominees

“Important questions about Ms. Raskin’s use of the ‘revolving door’ remain unanswered largely because of her repeated disingenuousness with the committee,” Mr. Toomey said in his statement Tuesday.

Mr. Brown said ahead of the vote that he did not know what the next steps would be if Republicans boycotted. During the committee session, as a dozen Republican chairs sat empty and no formal vote was taken, he pledged to reschedule. Democrats did take a vote to show support, but it was not binding.

“Few things we do as senators will do more to help address our country’s economic concerns more than to confirm this slate of nominees, the most diverse and most qualified slate of Fed nominees ever put forward,” he said, chiding Republicans for skipping out.

“They’re taking away probably the most important tool we have — and that’s the Federal Reserve — to combat inflation,” he later added.

The Fed presently has four governors, and Mr. Powell already has been serving as chair on an interim basis, since his leadership term officially expired earlier this month.

In any case, Ms. Raskin may struggle to pass the full Senate. Winning confirmation would require her to maintain full support from all 50 lawmakers who caucus with Democrats and for all those lawmakers to be present unless she can win Republican votes. Senator Ben Ray Luján, Democrat of New Mexico, has been absent as he recovers from a stroke.

“The Republicans are playing hardball because they can,” said Ian Katz, the managing director at Capital Alpha Partners. “At the least, it delays her confirmation. It could have the ultimate effect of killing it.”

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