May 2, 2024

Tech We’re Using: An Eye for Photography, but a Google Suite for Events

I absolutely love what our photojournalists have been doing with drone video and photography. A few months ago, I worked with my colleague Josh Haner on a story about plans to make the Hoover Dam into a giant battery. Josh was able to capture stunning drone footage over the Hoover Dam, which really allowed viewers to see the massive scale of the structure in a way that made the story come to life.

I am also excited to see where augmented reality and holographic video is headed in the news business. Our recent story on Ashley Graham, which we published during Fashion Week, took my breath away, but it took 100 cameras to record her runway walk in 3-D. This then goes back to the issue of scalability and making these tools readily available for journalists to use for alternative story forms. How can we create tools that make stories like this not a one-off, that more journalists can access to really lift The Times’s report over all?

What do you wish would go away?

I want portable 360-degree video cameras to take a break until we can figure out how to scale them without completely compromising image resolution. I don’t think they have found that sweet spot just yet.

Outside of work, what tech product are you currently obsessed with?

In my daily life, I cannot live without my Bose wireless noise-canceling headphones. I hesitated getting them for a while, but my husband got them for me as a gift and I will never go back to normal earphones. (No more cords!)

I also have several portable mirror sets with LED bulbs, which I pack when I am traveling to help with makeup application and general skin care.

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