September 8, 2024

You’re the Boss: What ‘Bridesmaids’ Says About Losing a Business

Kristen Wiig (dark jacket) with the cast of Suzanne Hanover/Universal PicturesKristen Wiig (dark jacket) with the cast of “Bridesmaids.”
She Owns It

Over the weekend, I saw “Bridesmaids.” The movie, with its female-driven plot, is a welcome departure from the sappy fare typically marketed to women and the comedies that put them on the sidelines. But it’s also an exploration of the emotions that follow the failure of a small business.

As “Bridesmaids” begins, we learn that the main character, Annie (played by Kristen Wiig, who co-wrote the script), lost her bakery during the recession. All that’s left of the business, Cake Baby, is a shuttered storefront marked by a soon-to-be-desecrated sign. When Annie is forced to pass Cake Baby’s address, the sight of her dashed dream still stings.

Now $40,000 in debt, Annie is miserably working in retail, living with two revolting roommates, and driving a car that’s ready for the junkyard. And she can’t bear the thought of baking. She doesn’t even want to talk about it.

The movie got me thinking about the realities of business ownership. Entrepreneurs are often described as optimists. Like “Bridesmaids’” Annie, they dream of making a living doing what they love. But what happens when that becomes impossible? While I’d like to think there’s a Cake Baby II in Annie’s future, it’s clear she’s in no financial or emotional position to “get back on that horse.”

I’m wondering about the real Annies of the world. If you’ve lost a business, I’d like to hear how things worked out — or didn’t. What did you do to make ends meet? Has the experience soured you on the idea of entrepreneurship? Did you eventually find happiness working for someone else? I look forward to your comments, and recommend “Bridesmaids.”

You can follow Adriana Gardella on Twitter.

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