February 9, 2025

Lance Armstrong’s Confession Could Mean More Legal Trouble

Landis said Armstrong and several team officials from Armstrong’s United States Postal Service cycling team defrauded the government by allowing doping on the squad when the team’s contract with the Postal Service explicitly forbade it.

Armstrong and his lawyers have been negotiating with the government to settle the case, with Armstrong offering a payment of $5 million, while the government is asking for much more than that, said one person with knowledge of the discussions. That person did not want to be identified because the case is under seal.

Tim Herman, one of Armstrong’s lawyers, did not immediately respond to a request for comment late Thursday.

The government asked a judge for an extension Thursday to decide whether to join the case as a plaintiff and was granted it, the person said.

The case could have added significance because of the possible consequences for Thomas Weisel, a major figure in finance and Silicon Valley who sold the firm he ran, Montgomery Securities, for $1.2 billion in 1997.

Weisel was Armstrong’s biggest financial backer as a co-owner of the United States Postal Service Pro Cycling Team through a cycling management firm that he helped found called Tailwind Sports.

If the government decides to join the lawsuit and recovers any money, Landis will be eligible to receive a portion of it.

Before his confession to Oprah Winfrey, which was shown Thursday night, Armstrong had said Landis made up the story of doping on the team.

Armstrong claimed Landis had done so out of spite because he had not been hired by Armstrong after Landis returned from a two-year doping suspension.

Article source: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/18/sports/cycling/lance-armstrongs-confession-could-mean-more-legal-trouble.html?partner=rss&emc=rss

Tiny Arkansas Towns Fight for Post Offices, and Survival

It sat there perfectly content for years, a little community on a crooked mountain road in the southern Ozarks. Then one day they closed the post office. Now Mozart is a place on the road where only those who knew it was there would know it was there. The same thing happened with Newnata, Rushing and Cozahome.

But if the people in Fox have a say, it will not happen again, at least not here.

“There are those who have been downtrodden so long, they can’t get back up,” said Stanley Morrison, 59, a logger and a justice of the peace here in rural Stone County. “And there are others who’ve been downtrodden so long they decide to fight back.”

Along with the residents of other tiny towns across the country, from Challenge, Calif., to Economy, Ind., the people of Fox learned last summer that their post office was being studied for possible closing by the United States Postal Service. It was one of the more than 3,600 deemed by the postal authorities to have too little a workload — less than $27,500 annual revenue is one such measurement — or to be too close to another office to justify keeping open by an agency that is billions of dollars in debt and facing a steeply and steadily declining revenue stream.

The response, here as elsewhere, has been swift. Letters have been sent, petitions drawn up. People have taken day trips to their representatives’ offices, bringing so much political pressure that Congress persuaded the Postal Service last month to declare a moratorium on the closings until May.

Still, McKinney Boyd, a spokesman for the Postal Service, said the process would pick right back up at the end of the moratorium.

“We understand that many people in small communities are extremely passionate about their post offices, but at the same time we’re losing more than $23 million a day,” he said. “With those kinds of losses, the Postal Service has to look at ways to offset its expenses.”

The residents of Fox are planning to pick right back up where they left off, too.

The resistance movement here has been led by Renee Carr, the director of the Rural Community Alliance, a nonprofit group. She has filed public-records requests, badgered elected officials, made a YouTube video and created a chart of the local post office’s revenues, which, she says, is more accurate than the figures she managed to obtain, at long last and with the help of a United States senator, from the postal authorities.

She has been joined in her campaign by a dogged brigade of retired postmasters, waging similar fights in little communities and four-building towns across Arkansas, where roughly a third of post offices are on the list of possible closings.

Over in Tilly, a no-stoplight community where the post office sits in the back corner of Fountain Grocery, residents created a fact-filled PowerPoint presentation and prepared for a visit by the postal authorities with a series of dry-runs at the church.

“I don’t remember an issue where we had to pull together like this,” said Charlene Fountain, whose mother was the postmaster until her sister took over.

The people of tiny Ida, which was on an early list of closings, came together and filed a formal appeal, helped in their data gathering by the longtime but recently retired postmaster. In Prim, residents are considering a fund-raiser so that they can hire a lawyer if an appeal becomes necessary.

The campaigners mount their defense of the rural post office on practical grounds, as the place where the elderly have their medications sent, where those living on remote mountain roads far outside town keep a letter box, where the Pentecostals who do not look kindly on computers conduct much of their business and where postmasters discreetly read letters for the customers who are unable to do so themselves. These arguments are bolstered by what data they can get their hands on. While Ms. Carr and others acknowledge that rural post offices generally run at a steep deficit, they take issue with the calculations used by the Postal Service to make its decisions about closings — a criticism also raised by the Postal Regulatory Commission in a recent report.

The deeper anxiety is an existential one. Prim, Tilly, Ida, Fox — all of these communities were named into existence decades ago, and in some cases more than a century ago, by a postmaster. While the postal authorities insist that there will be alternatives to stand-alone offices — for example, an outdoor bank of boxes like those at apartment buildings — residents fear that places that began with post office buildings would simply cease to exist with their departure.

“I haul logs and I see a lot of the country,” Mr. Morrison said. “The places that have lost their post offices have just died.”

The letter-writing campaigns have gotten the right attention. Even Republican members of Congress who came into office on the wave of fiscal hawkishness in 2010, like Senator John Boozman and Representative Rick Crawford, are coming to the defense of the rural post office.

Mr. Boozman, in an interview, raised the same concerns echoed by his constituents and the Postal Regulatory Commission: that the closing process has been frustratingly opaque.

“It appears that their method so far has been pretty arbitrary,” he said.

Article source: http://feeds.nytimes.com/click.phdo?i=9e3f89e5e7aa760a02506b075511c1e4

Letters: Letters: Fixing the Post Office

Re “Reading the Writing on the Envelope” (Digital Domain, Oct. 2), which described the quandary facing the United States Postal Service:

A primary problem for the postal service is that its valuable, first-class mail deliveries are suffering while bulk, lower classes continue to stress the system. And its delivery mechanisms are becoming more inappropriate for the total volume of service.

Many changes are needed. First, I suggest getting rid of all postal rates except first class. If a bank wants to send me yet another credit card application, or if the local discount store wants to make me an offer I can’t refuse, or if a charitable organization is requesting a contribution, let it pay full rather than “standard” rates.

Second, with the subsequent reduction in “junk“ mail, delivery patterns could be adjusted to consolidate physical post offices. One of the postal service’s great contributions has been ZIP codes. These codes would allow a dynamic analysis of those delivery patterns: If a specific post office delivered a certain volume of mail to its existing set of ZIP codes before “standard” deliveries ended, how many ZIP codes could it now add to maintain the same volume? Frank Greene

Tellico Village, Tenn., Oct. 2

Why Taxes ‘Must’ Climb

To the Editor:

In “The Problem With ‘No New Taxes’ ” (Economic View, Oct. 2) Tyler Cowen said that “taxes will eventually go up, because they must.” But one explanation for that “must” is not often heard: Our nation went to war in Afghanistan and Iran without raising taxes to pay for that war.

On the contrary, President George W. Bush cut taxes, thereby further postponing the payment. As conservatives like to say, “There are no free lunches.” So taxes must go up, not because of liberal profligacy or Keynesian theory, but simply because the time has come to pay the war bill.

Manfred Weidhorn

Fair Lawn, N.J. Oct. 2

Merrill Lynch’s Rescue

To the Editor:

Re “Profits, but No Joy, at Merrill” (Oct. 2), which looked at how the former Merrill Lynch is now a thriving part of Bank of America:

Merrill employees are angry because their bonuses and perhaps jobs are on the line as a result of losses elsewhere in Bank of America’s units. But where would the employees be if Merrill hadn’t been rescued in 2008 by Bank of America, which was subsequently bailed out by the taxpayers? Frank Drobot

Los Altos, Calif., Oct. 2

Letters for Sunday Business may be sent to sunbiz@nytimes.com.

Article source: http://feeds.nytimes.com/click.phdo?i=0589585f7df6149f4d698f2efc16a08f