“HOW much is it?”
That’s a reasonable question, whether you’re buying a brooch at Tiffany or a rug at the souk in Marrakesh. Even at one of those self-important resort hotels that impose infuriating fees like $15 for bellhop service you won’t use or $12 for Internet access that lesser hotels provide free, at least you get a clear list of the charges when you book.
Airlines? Well, not so much. Corporate travel managers as well as some air travel consumer representatives have been pressing demands that airlines, whose profitability has been generally supported in recent years by various extra fees charged to passengers, provide more clarity on prices to enable better cost comparisons.
Last month, an aviation consumer advisory committee set up by the Transportation Department issued a recommendation that airlines “ensure transparency in air carrier pricing.” Of course, that is easier said than done, given current airfare revenue models. The committee had no specific recommendations, noting only that “the days when the only variables were price and schedule are gone.”
Corporate travel managers and outside travel agents say they’re flummoxed by the myriad fees. They want better price information upfront, rather than finding it when a traveler submits an expense account. “The airlines are changing their models quicker than we can keep up with,” said Alan Docherty, senior manager for travel and entertainment products at BDO Financial, a unit of the accounting firm that provides corporate expense cards and payment consulting.
“I mean, you’ll see an American Airlines charge for $349 for airfare and then there’s another American Airlines charge for $33, and another for $23,” added Kevin Tait, BDO’s senior manager for payment strategy. “O.K., what were they for?”
I understand the dilemma. Still, I find myself in tepid defense of the airlines in this matter. I welcome having many choices, even at the last minute — even if buying what I want requires virtual haggling, just as buying that rug requires personal haggling in Marrakesh. Here’s a recent example from my household:
Months ago, my wife booked tickets for us on United Airlines for a six-day trip to Mexico City from Tucson (with the return from Querétaro, Mexico) — which we began last Thursday. Her initial choices were a convenient flight leaving at 7:37 a.m. and arriving in Mexico City, after a Houston connection, at around 2:30 p.m. That round-trip fare was $950 for each of us. Another choice was cheaper, $570.74 each, on a flight that left at the ungodly hour of 5:45 a.m. and arrived in Mexico City, also after a Houston connection, around 1:30 p.m. She opted for the cheaper one, and we dreaded the 3:15 a.m. alarm clock summons.
Then, when I checked in last Wednesday for that 5:45 a.m. flight, I was offered a slightly less awful seat than the one I had for $39 extra on the cramped regional jet flight from Houston to Mexico City. I checked yes.
When my wife checked in shortly afterward, the screen gave her the unexpected option of selecting the far more convenient 7:37 a.m. flight, at an extra change fee of $75 on top of the original fare. Thanks to her elite status on United (which I don’t have), she then got through to a helpful United customer service agent who rebooked me as well on the 7:37 a.m. flight, also for $75 extra.
So now the accounting was this: new itinerary, $570.74, plus the $75 change fee, to rebook onto a better flight (with the second leg on a more spacious new model Boeing 737). That was far cheaper than what we would have paid if we had booked that flight months ago.
So arguably, we each saved over $300 for the preferable flight, doing what all standard advice says not to do: changing at the last minute and paying the extra fee. But if I had booked under a corporate travel card (not the case here), all of those changes, including the $75 fee, would have raised red flags at many companies, requiring some negotiation with a perplexed travel manager who, after all, is merely trying to keep the budget within policy and trying to figure out what the costs actually are.
Yes, more clarity would be useful all around in accounting for complexities. Still, airlines understandably like to offer choices to travelers, including options at check-in that can be personalized by the airline for any given customer, based on past travel data. Airlines in North America will raise an extra $15.6 billion in revenue this year from these fees, according to a new report from IdeaWorks and Amadeus. That’s up from $14.9 billion last year.
As Mr. Tait of BDO said: “There is no consistency between carriers, and sometimes no consistency between months. For the traveler and travel manager, it becomes something that’s extraordinarily difficult to bring clarity to.”
On the other hand, we did get that better flight, at the cheaper fare, by playing the game the way the airlines set it up. As the saying used to go, you pays your money and you takes your choice.
E-mail: jsharkey@nytimes.com
Article source: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/13/business/with-airfares-fliers-give-up-clarity-for-more-choices.html?partner=rss&emc=rss